
Invitation to Participate in Workplace Surveillance Technology Study

Hello! Researchers at Tech Solidarity Lab at Carnegie Mellon University ( are currently researching how workers across different sectors and industries make sense of and share their experiences of workplace surveillance technologies (an under-considered topic by researchers and policymakers). To build deeper insights, we are currently looking to conduct interviews with workers who have experienced workplace surveillance and are comfortable discussing how they’ve made sense of and responded to being monitored on the job, as well as how they leverage Reddit for support. The interview would be about an hour and can take place over phone or video conferencing software (e.g. Zoom, Skype). With your consent, the interview would be audio-recorded. It would need to be conducted in a private space so that the voices of non-participants won't be accidentally recorded. We would aim to protect your privacy by removing any information that could link back to you and by…

Hello! Researchers at Tech Solidarity Lab at Carnegie Mellon University ( are currently researching how workers across different sectors and industries make sense of and share their experiences of workplace surveillance technologies (an under-considered topic by researchers and policymakers). To build deeper insights, we are currently looking to conduct interviews with workers who have experienced workplace surveillance and are comfortable discussing how they’ve made sense of and responded to being monitored on the job, as well as how they leverage Reddit for support.

The interview would be about an hour and can take place over phone or video conferencing software (e.g. Zoom, Skype). With your consent, the interview would be audio-recorded. It would need to be conducted in a private space so that the voices of non-participants won't be accidentally recorded. We would aim to protect your privacy by removing any information that could link back to you and by assigning a unique ID number, so that your name would not be used.

In order to participate, you must be 18 years of age or older. Participation is completely voluntary, and there are no consequences for choosing not to participate. Interviewees will receive a $20 gift card for their participation.

If this project is of interest to you, please fill out the following screener survey:

Thank you!

Tech Solidarity Lab

Human-Computer Interaction Institute

Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science

[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])

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