
Is 3% Really The Norm?

I took a position in a field I didn't have much experience in but I'm very comfortable with the work and a fast learner. It's not really an entry level position but I was given a chance and so I took a salary at the lower end of the range with a promise that it would be increased later if I prove myself. Typically I would have fought for a little more but I was ready to leave my previous position (it was a living nightmare) and even at the lower end of the range for this job I was still coming out ahead with a $5k increase and better benefits and better schedule. Well fast forward a bit and now I've been here over a year. I recently had my annual review and was praised for picking up the work so fast and being willing to take on ad…

I took a position in a field I didn't have much experience in but I'm very comfortable with the work and a fast learner. It's not really an entry level position but I was given a chance and so I took a salary at the lower end of the range with a promise that it would be increased later if I prove myself. Typically I would have fought for a little more but I was ready to leave my previous position (it was a living nightmare) and even at the lower end of the range for this job I was still coming out ahead with a $5k increase and better benefits and better schedule.

Well fast forward a bit and now I've been here over a year. I recently had my annual review and was praised for picking up the work so fast and being willing to take on ad hoc projects and help out where needed. Not one single negative comment on my review. Then my boss says they're happy to tell me I'll be receiving a 3% increase in my salary. Really? That's not even $1/hr increase.

I really love my job in every other way. My boss is understanding, isn't condescending at all, my coworkers are great for the most part (there's always one bad egg but we're pretty much on opposite schedules so they don't really bother me much), my schedule allows me more time with my family and we're actually encouraged to use our PTO, and I get to WFH 2-3 days a week. And aside from all that, I really enjoy my actual job, I'm good at it, and it keeps me engaged. So, considering all of that, maybe I shouldn't be, but I'm a little disappointed that I'm still making below industry standard for my position, and that even though I had a stellar review my increase was peanuts. It baffles me that merit increases would even start at 3% let alone be offered likes it's a great prize, am I wrong?

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