
Is 62 cents more an hour worth adding 20% to my workload?

My new job was getting myself and a new training class excited about their incentives program. Every quarter everyone gets a bonus. The tier of bonus is based on your metrics. Your tasks done each day on average, your attendance, and the number of mistakes the audit team catch. The better you do, the better the bonus. The 2nd best tier is where metric goals are, so doing what's expected which pays out $900. The tier above requires perfect attendance, perfect 99% or better on your audits, and 20% more tasks than expected of you. That tier awards $1200. I did the math and per hour in a quarter, busting my ass that much harder, would award me 62 more cents per hour than if I just do my job normally. I feel inclined to just work my wage, thought you all would find this a little humorous.

My new job was getting myself and a new training class excited about their incentives program. Every quarter everyone gets a bonus. The tier of bonus is based on your metrics. Your tasks done each day on average, your attendance, and the number of mistakes the audit team catch.

The better you do, the better the bonus.

The 2nd best tier is where metric goals are, so doing what's expected which pays out $900. The tier above requires perfect attendance, perfect 99% or better on your audits, and 20% more tasks than expected of you. That tier awards $1200.

I did the math and per hour in a quarter, busting my ass that much harder, would award me 62 more cents per hour than if I just do my job normally.

I feel inclined to just work my wage, thought you all would find this a little humorous.

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