
Is a person’s last name ‘personal private information?’

I got told that the owner of my company, ''Would not be giving me, personal private information of my fellow employees. Unless, I wanted to contact her directly with an explanation for why I needed them…' I asked for everyone's first & last names. Can anyone tell me how a person's last name is 'private information?' I'm also annoyed with the person who asked the big boss' 'permission.' I would have said NOT to bother her…

I got told that the owner of my company, ''Would not be giving me, personal private information of my fellow employees. Unless, I wanted to contact her directly with an explanation for why I needed them…' I asked for everyone's first & last names.

Can anyone tell me how a person's last name is 'private information?'

I'm also annoyed with the person who asked the big boss' 'permission.' I would have said NOT to bother her…

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