
Is an exit interview an opportunity to give constructive feedback (or air grievances)?

So I failed my PIP. If you look at my post history, I've been talking about non-stop since I've been placed on it. I started job-hunting halfway through, which I think was a big mistake. I asked the internal HR if I could have an exit interview after my departure. They said yes, but not with any of the staff, just HR. Kind of disappointing, because I did want to have a meaningful discussion with some of my leaders. Not to shit on them, but for more advice as I move on. I had issues with communication and coordination while I was working on my PIP. I would complete my work on time, and I would ask people to prepare more work, so I would have something to do the next day. If they had nothing, I would utilize my time to study and check my work. But this was…

So I failed my PIP. If you look at my post history, I've been talking about non-stop since I've been placed on it. I started job-hunting halfway through, which I think was a big mistake.

I asked the internal HR if I could have an exit interview after my departure. They said yes, but not with any of the staff, just HR. Kind of disappointing, because I did want to have a meaningful discussion with some of my leaders. Not to shit on them, but for more advice as I move on.

I had issues with communication and coordination while I was working on my PIP. I would complete my work on time, and I would ask people to prepare more work, so I would have something to do the next day. If they had nothing, I would utilize my time to study and check my work. But this was still considered an inappropriate and inefficient action.

Overall, if I am being brutally blunt, I just think the work environment was very chaotic, and that management needed to be clearer about expectations or be more organized so that it wouldn't be at my expense.

Should I bring this up to HR, but in a more professional, more euphemistic tone? Or clarify that I felt that there was a serious issue in management and leadership that resulted in me inevitable failing my PIP?

If you must know, the end goal of the PIP was changing almost every week. Ultimately, it was about whether or not my teammates liked working with me or not. Which is probably why I failed.

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