
Is Anti-Work Really that Anti-Work?

Hi all, I wanted to bring to your attention a conversation I had with one of the Mods of anti-work. I am an amateur songwriter, and I wrote a song called Ditch Digger’s Ditty, which I posted on YouTube. Please see the lyrics below. I tried to post this song on this sub, which I thought was entirely appropriate, given the song’s message. I got an automated message saying my post was removed because it was a “low effort post” that just linked to a social media site. So I messaged one of the mods, and told him the situation, saying I realized that there were spam protections, but that this was a different situation. Here’s my message and the response: MESSAGE 9:19  Mail Ditch Digger's Ditty Soft-Sky3138 • 5d Hi, I'm a songwriter who wanted to post one of my songs (“Ditch Digger's Ditty” from YouTube) in the…

Hi all,

I wanted to bring to your attention a conversation I had with one of the Mods of anti-work.

I am an amateur songwriter, and I wrote a song called Ditch Digger’s Ditty, which I posted on YouTube. Please see the lyrics below.

I tried to post this song on this sub, which I thought was entirely appropriate, given the song’s message.

I got an automated message saying my post was removed because it was a “low effort post” that just linked to a social media site.

So I messaged one of the mods, and told him the situation, saying I realized that there were spam protections, but that this was a different situation. Here’s my message and the response:


9:19  Mail Ditch Digger's Ditty Soft-Sky3138 • 5d Hi, I'm a songwriter who wanted to post one of my songs (“Ditch Digger's Ditty” from YouTube) in the Anti-Work sub. I believe the song is completely on point with the purpose of the sub. If you would like, please review it here: Ditch Digger's Ditty

This is not a “low-effort” post, it's a song I recorded and produced, that is about the social ramifications of new machines and people's jobs. It's an attempt to spark thought about what role “work” actually plays in modern times. Many thanks for your time.


v antiwork • 4d Firstly, sharing a youtube video is covered under rule 3 Secondly, the link is restricted and only available directly on youtube Thirdly, linking in that way shares social media usernames which is in violation of rule 5 Fourthly, your post is unauthorised self promotion which is in violation of rule 2


Soft-Sky3138 • 4d My raps aren't for kids, so you have to be over 18 years old to view them; this hasn't been an issue elsewhere. Also, where does the concept that I wrote something pertinent to the topic at hand, when I would like to SHARE, end up in all of this?

What if Bob Dylan posted here?

What you're saying is that the people who might like this song can't see it, because you're hiding behind some rules. Sharing is what the Internet is for, after all. I think you may be too caught up in the establishment you're trying to fight. I respectively submit you're not seeing the forest for the trees. My song has something to say about the topic at hand. Hello? How can you hide behind inappropriate rules on a sub called Anti-Work? Did you listen to the song?

v antiwork • • 4d You broke multiple rules. It is that simple. The rules are entirely appropriate and they are our rules. If you want to participate in our community you need to follow our communities rules. v antiwork • • 4d You have been temporarily muted from r/antiwork. You will not be able to message the moderators of for 28 days.


Is this sub really the appropriate place to be posting these anti-work stories? Also, every time you share something online, you’re promoting yourself. So I can’t share a song about my experiences at work, as opposed to telling the same story, because that’s promoting myself?

This has really disenchanted me with this sub and Reddit in general. I understand rules about SPAM, but this wasn't spam. And if sharing an artwork I created is self-promotion, then everyone who posts anything anywhere can be accused of self-promotion. Art IS for sharing, the Internet IS for sharing, and I was on topic. I was attempting to have a dialogue.

So how anti-work really is anti-work?

Here are the song lyrics, in hopes that fellow Redditors can have a chance to make up their own minds on this topic. The formatting wasn't very cooperative for song lyrics, but I tried my best!

Ditch Digger’s Ditty

There you are

Digging that ditch

Digging that ditch

There you are

Digging in sh!t

Digging that grit

Picking that grit

Picking up slop

Working in sh!t

There you are

Guess what, an institution – Invented a machine that’s just so useful

It can dig a ditch all on its own – People, you no longer have to dig ditches all on your own!

We made a machine to do it for you! The fruits of human ingenuity come through for you!

Take a break, now rest in the shade! With this new invention you now have finally got it made!

Now we can discover what it means to be human

Now we can discover our humanity

Now we can recreate eternity

Cuz we don’t have to spend every second digging ditches, you see?

Wait, what’s this? Rumblings of discontent? What’s the matter, too much too advent?

You need something to do? Yo – Surely you jest! Everyday in the production line you wanted to rest

Now you don’t have to work at all

Study how to self-actualize with your new time off

What do you mean you haven’t got a job? The purpose of science to make things better, y’all

How exactly is my machine at fault? The machine set you free—is there a logical flaw?

If so, dig by hand and ditch the shovel

Progress has the purpose of paradise for all

You say you’re starving cuz you don’t have a job?

I’m not sure what you’re saying, is all

People only need you to dig ditches, that all? You’re saying my machine made you expendable?

To those above you who make the calls? You’re saying that my machine

which made a dirty awful job become so clean

Took away your dignity as a human being?

But no machine could ever do that! Only another person could!

Maybe spend that new free time campaigning for the Hood!

What you don’t matter aside from the job you do?

If you don’t work, why should they value you? You work for them to capitalize on you?

It doesn’t even really matter what it is you do? Because work is what it is you say you’re due?

But that’s sophisticated slavery, true? When folks say you’re only worth what you do?

The machine is not the enemy— The machine is not the enemy— The machine is not the enemy—
The machine is not the enemy— The machine is not the enemy— The machine is not the enemy—

The emancipation of our slavery NOT the enemy—

There you are

Digging that ditch

Digging that ditch

There you are

Making me work

There you are making us work

Make us all work

There you are

There you are

© 2023
Many thanks!

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