
Is docking pay legal?

My work in lanskng MI has started emplementing a no phones on the floor policy. You can have it out in the break room but they said if you're caught with it out on the floor they'll send you home and you'll lose your pay for the day. They can't legally take your pay for the day right? I'm more worried about it because they sent someone home today but I haven't heard about wether he's losing his pay or not.

My work in lanskng MI has started emplementing a no phones on the floor policy. You can have it out in the break room but they said if you're caught with it out on the floor they'll send you home and you'll lose your pay for the day. They can't legally take your pay for the day right? I'm more worried about it because they sent someone home today but I haven't heard about wether he's losing his pay or not.

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