
Is feeling mentally fatigue not a “valid excuse” to miss work??

So I'm a part time Sales Associate at my local Dollar Tree and after my work week ended on Sept. 30th, my SM (store manager) scheduled me to work almost an entire 5 hour week from Monday with Tuesday off along with continuing to work the rest of the week from Wednesday to Saturday, but considering that I'm also on the spectrum and I can only go so far with masking (meaning that I have to suppress my characteristics of my disorder or “mirroring neurotypical individuals to fit in.”), after my shift this Thursday I'm feeling a breakdown coming, so since I believe if you don't feel 100% at your job/school/etc, you should stay home to mentally recover to eliminate any choices of exhaustion and exertion right? Wrong according to my higher up, the other manager calls mental fatigue not a “valid excuse” and “I shouldn't call in 10 minutes…

So I'm a part time Sales Associate at my local Dollar Tree and after my work week ended on Sept. 30th, my SM (store manager) scheduled me to work almost an entire 5 hour week from Monday with Tuesday off along with continuing to work the rest of the week from Wednesday to Saturday, but considering that I'm also on the spectrum and I can only go so far with masking (meaning that I have to suppress my characteristics of my disorder or “mirroring neurotypical individuals to fit in.”), after my shift this Thursday I'm feeling a breakdown coming, so since I believe if you don't feel 100% at your job/school/etc, you should stay home to mentally recover to eliminate any choices of exhaustion and exertion right? Wrong according to my higher up, the other manager calls mental fatigue not a “valid excuse” and “I shouldn't call in 10 minutes before my shift to say that”. Last time I tried to call off for work after my employment, I called the store 5 times only to not get an answer. Should I just risk going into work and possibly suffer a mental breakdown or stay at home and get chewed out by my boss the next time I come in to work? I don't want to mentally suffer just for a measly $9/hour, but as it is the only place in my area that I have an easy commute to and qualified for.

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