
Is it normal for your job to make you want to off yourself?

I work in a retail industry that everyone thinks would be wondrous to work in but it's hell. It's corporate greed and incompetence x1000. They're brutal union busters, there's NO opportunity to advance, I make them tens of thousands every single day and only see about $100 of it maximum. The corporate hates all of us and it's so short staffed that I feel physically ill from the stress when I work. We serve 1000+ customers a day and sometimes it's only 3-5 of us working. Today I had a line of 100+ people and only 2 registers, and no chance of help. I had customers yelling at me, demanding more staff like I make the schedule, saying I need to hurry up, etc. The company has told us all we're all skilless and worthless and we will never find another job that pays like this place. Even though it…

I work in a retail industry that everyone thinks would be wondrous to work in but it's hell. It's corporate greed and incompetence x1000. They're brutal union busters, there's NO opportunity to advance, I make them tens of thousands every single day and only see about $100 of it maximum.

The corporate hates all of us and it's so short staffed that I feel physically ill from the stress when I work. We serve 1000+ customers a day and sometimes it's only 3-5 of us working. Today I had a line of 100+ people and only 2 registers, and no chance of help. I had customers yelling at me, demanding more staff like I make the schedule, saying I need to hurry up, etc.

The company has told us all we're all skilless and worthless and we will never find another job that pays like this place. Even though it still isn't much so far that's been true other places pay even less.

This job makes me want to actually off myself. The monotony, constant constant constant intense stress, I never relax. I have dreams about work that wake me up so even in my sleep I can't escape. I'm on a 24/7 cortisol binge because of this fucking job. But I have to stay because i would have to take like a $6/hr paycut and that just isn't in the cards right now.

I go to therapy every 2 weeks and end up almost exclusively talking about work.

Anyone else?

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