
Is it normal to feel this way?

I just graduated college and got my bachelor's. I'm going into communications/social media management/ PR… needless to say, I'm not stoked about being a slave to capitalism but I do enjoy being creative with writing and making content. ANYWAYS…I have only had one internship and now I am trying to find a full-time job and actually start making a livable wage. Except, everywhere I could apply seems like they want a ton of experience and different skills. For example, many people are wanting me to be proficient in photoshop …which I'm not. Is it normal to feel this underqualified/ill-prepared at this point in my life and career? I feel like I am going to be doomed to taking on lousy internships that don't pay or hardly pay at all until I have all this experience people apparently want.

I just graduated college and got my bachelor's. I'm going into communications/social media management/ PR… needless to say, I'm not stoked about being a slave to capitalism but I do enjoy being creative with writing and making content. ANYWAYS…I have only had one internship and now I am trying to find a full-time job and actually start making a livable wage. Except, everywhere I could apply seems like they want a ton of experience and different skills. For example, many people are wanting me to be proficient in photoshop …which I'm not.

Is it normal to feel this underqualified/ill-prepared at this point in my life and career? I feel like I am going to be doomed to taking on lousy internships that don't pay or hardly pay at all until I have all this experience people apparently want.

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