
Is it possible to be ruined by one bad job?

Hi everyone! I am reflecting/pondering is it possible a series of bad experiences, stress, caused by a crap job could “ruin” you/your outlook in other jobs/life? I was there at crap job for 14.5 years – I put up with a lot of shit but not every thing was bad there, worked with great people, the job was just ruined by bad management and I wasn’t a favorite. I’ve since moved on and gotten a great job I’m happy at and a big pay bump and great insurance. But I still carry the somewhat jaded attitude I had from my last job. I don’t want any overtime, I want to do my job and go, I don’t want any extra job duties etc. I was never like this until the last few years. I feel like I’m being lazy and it’s wrong to have that kind of attitude. I just…

Hi everyone! I am reflecting/pondering is it possible a series of bad experiences, stress, caused by a crap job could “ruin” you/your outlook in other jobs/life? I was there at crap job for 14.5 years – I put up with a lot of shit but not every thing was bad there, worked with great people, the job was just ruined by bad management and I wasn’t a favorite. I’ve since moved on and gotten a great job I’m happy at and a big pay bump and great insurance. But I still carry the somewhat jaded attitude I had from my last job. I don’t want any overtime, I want to do my job and go, I don’t want any extra job duties etc. I was never like this until the last few years. I feel like I’m being lazy and it’s wrong to have that kind of attitude. I just realized how much bad stuff I put up with and endured at my old job and never want to go through anything like that again. Towards the end of that old job i had a nervous breakdown. I couldn’t handle it anymore, I was miserable all the time, I had chronic stomach issues and my depression and anxiety spiked the highest ever. I wish I could shake this but I just feel so damaged and like I’m broken? I’m 38 and still have many more years I need to work. Anyone else go through this?

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