
Is it really that horrible in the US?

Long time lurker, first time poster here. I myself live in europe, Finland to be exact. Every post here i've seen is from the US. And what I read, its horrible. But how horrible? When you people are telling that wages are low and cost of living etc are rising, could some of you provide some numbers that I can get some sense of what is going on. For example I can provide mine and I'd like to compare them to yours. So I work as a practical nurse, I do only graveyard shifts in a nursing home (5 nights on the job 5 nights off, 7 weeks off paid holiday when 15 years on the job) I make around 50,000€, 35,000€ after taxes in a year, so that makes a little under 3,000€ in a month after taxes. My monthly expenses are around 1,500€, including 750€ for rented studio…

Long time lurker, first time poster here. I myself live in europe, Finland to be exact. Every post here i've seen is from the US. And what I read, its horrible. But how horrible?

When you people are telling that wages are low and cost of living etc are rising, could some of you provide some numbers that I can get some sense of what is going on. For example I can provide mine and I'd like to compare them to yours.

So I work as a practical nurse, I do only graveyard shifts in a nursing home (5 nights on the job 5 nights off, 7 weeks off paid holiday when 15 years on the job) I make around 50,000€, 35,000€ after taxes in a year, so that makes a little under 3,000€ in a month after taxes.

My monthly expenses are around 1,500€, including 750€ for rented studio apartment 2 kilometers from the center (I live in the capital of Finland), 300€ for groceries and the rest for bills etc running expenses. Yes the food prices and transportation has gone up here too, but nothing else has really affected me. Im considered middle class here from how much I make and I think Im very fortunate with my situation.

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