
Is it too late to reach out to HR?

So at the beginning of September we had a week off at my job so they could redo the floors or whatever (it's a restaurant) during that week off I actually worked 2 days prepping food at sisco so I worked 16 hours plus an extra three the following day. The people that works those days weren't able to clock in including myself and when our checks came in we didn't get paid for those days. I spoke to my manager about it and she said she would take care of it but that never happened. I'm just wondering if it's too late to reach out to HR. I was also promised a raised twice and was told I would be getting it only to later be told that they don't have enough money to give me a raise. And then after this they decide to hire two new people…

So at the beginning of September we had a week off at my job so they could redo the floors or whatever (it's a restaurant) during that week off I actually worked 2 days prepping food at sisco so I worked 16 hours plus an extra three the following day.

The people that works those days weren't able to clock in including myself and when our checks came in we didn't get paid for those days. I spoke to my manager about it and she said she would take care of it but that never happened.

I'm just wondering if it's too late to reach out to HR. I was also promised a raised twice and was told I would be getting it only to later be told that they don't have enough money to give me a raise. And then after this they decide to hire two new people even though they said I couldn't get a raise because they need to get labor down.

I've been looking for a new job but I can't find one that pays as much as the one I'm at currently. I just don't know what to do.

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