
Is My Boss Trying To Get Me To Quit?

So about maybe 2 months ago I had fantastic hours at my job, which is at a movie theater, and I was getting to around 40 – 45 hours per week and everything seemed perfect up until around August when I got sick with covid. I was out of work for about a week and ever since I came back my hours have been cut drasticlly. I'm hardly getting 15 hours per week and I had to practiclly beg my manager to give me more hours but he claimed it was because slow season had started and that everyone's hours had been cut. I believed him and I didn't bother checking my coworker's schedules, so I dropped it. The reason why I'm questioning this now is because I had an 8 hours shift I was suppsed to work today but then my boss texted me and told me that my…

So about maybe 2 months ago I had fantastic hours at my job, which is at a movie theater, and I was getting to around 40 – 45 hours per week and everything seemed perfect up until around August when I got sick with covid. I was out of work for about a week and ever since I came back my hours have been cut drasticlly. I'm hardly getting 15 hours per week and I had to practiclly beg my manager to give me more hours but he claimed it was because slow season had started and that everyone's hours had been cut. I believed him and I didn't bother checking my coworker's schedules, so I dropped it. The reason why I'm questioning this now is because I had an 8 hours shift I was suppsed to work today but then my boss texted me and told me that my shift had been cut and it was because everything was “slow” and he assured me that everyone else was getting the same treatment, so I went to go look at everyone's schedules and everyone has at least 30 or so hours, and I also saw that my manager gave my shift to someone else instead. I don't know what to do but I'm absolutely furious. I have bills to pay and I can't live off of $200 a week, it's pathetic. I feel like if I bring it up again I'm just going to be ignored or punished even more than I have been. And a little side note, I have never called in sick for work ever and I'm one of the best workers there. I have never had any issues with my coworkers at all and I'm always respecful to customers. I give 110% at my job even though I don't get paid enough to work that hard. Does anyone have any tips that could help me?

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