
Is my job pushing me out?

I have had a job before where they didn’t like me, simply didn’t like that I wouldn’t come in a snow storm to cover a managers shift that was 30 minutes away from where I lived. They would lessen my hours and just be horrible to make me quit but they ended up firing me because I threatened to go to HR because the managers husband texted me and called me and harassed me for not covering her shift. So I have experience with the pushing out. I just got promoted to Store Manager and I got my first evaluation the other month since I have been here for over a year! And it said that I needed to “work on being a manager better” because I complained about my assistant and the fact that we have brown recluses in here and they won’t get a professional in here to…

I have had a job before where they didn’t like me, simply didn’t like that I wouldn’t come in a snow storm to cover a managers shift that was 30 minutes away from where I lived. They would lessen my hours and just be horrible to make me quit but they ended up firing me because I threatened to go to HR because the managers husband texted me and called me and harassed me for not covering her shift.

So I have experience with the pushing out. I just got promoted to Store Manager and I got my first evaluation the other month since I have been here for over a year! And it said that I needed to “work on being a manager better” because I complained about my assistant and the fact that we have brown recluses in here and they won’t get a professional in here to take care of it. Mind you, I was only a store manager for maybe 2 months when I got this evaluation. Like they expected me to just jump in and know everything and do amazing with literally barely any help. I have to contact my old manager just to get help. And my assistant has been complaining about me.

My assistant has been hating me for no reason since day one. She keeps involving the old store manager in the store happenings even though it’s against the safe harbor policy in our company. She got mad because she wanted to be the store manager but was only here 2 weeks when they hired me to be the store manager. So she doesn’t like me because she thinks she can do better and constantly undermines and tries to micromanage me because she is honestly just a hateful person. Like it’s a fucking job that doesn’t even pay us that well or treat us well and she trying to win some award in this shitty workplace. She complained that customers were leaving because I was “rude” for following policy and they got upset that I stuck to the rules and didn’t just let them screw me over. A customer said “I’m the customer and I’m right” and I can back with “not in this business you’re not right”. And so I’m a bad guy for that. No job is worth someone yelling at me and calling out my character. Adult tantrums.

My assistant is 32 and I’m 24 yet you’d think I’m the older one. She constantly says how she doesn’t want kids but has kids and is in court over custody with them. She cusses them out when they come in, mind you they are 11-8 years old. She is just not kind but holds herself as perfect and blameless but tries to drag everyone down. She told me that she wanted to leave some days because I don’t have long conversations with her so I have “negative energy”.

I keep getting assigned training for customer service and other things but my assistant isn’t. It feels like they are trying to tell me I suck at my job? I don’t get paid enough for this pretty bullshit. Y’all jobs should not be this serious especially when I don’t get paid enough for the shit. It’s just my husband doesn’t have a job yet so this is my only option atm.

Am I being pushed out? God i fucking hate working retail. She can have the store if she wants it so bad, maybe she will realize it ain’t shit.

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