
Is My Manager Bad, Stressed, or Somewhere In-Between?

So get this. I don't want to reveal too much, but I'll say that I was laid off from my job about a month ago; Fast forward to about two weeks ago and I get a call back from my manager who I had already removed their number from my phone, so I go there to see what's what since other places I was applying to weren't responding to me (Until I already went back to the job I got laid off from that is, had to turn down like 3 people lmao. Anyway, this is where we get to the juicy part. Without revealing my exact job position or anything like that, I will say this: I was terminated because on one of my shifts it showed I was around $200 short. Definitely a good enough reason to let me go if I had actually done anything wrong… and…

So get this. I don't want to reveal too much, but I'll say that I was laid off from my job about a month ago; Fast forward to about two weeks ago and I get a call back from my manager who I had already removed their number from my phone, so I go there to see what's what since other places I was applying to weren't responding to me (Until I already went back to the job I got laid off from that is, had to turn down like 3 people lmao. Anyway, this is where we get to the juicy part.

Without revealing my exact job position or anything like that, I will say this: I was terminated because on one of my shifts it showed I was around $200 short. Definitely a good enough reason to let me go if I had actually done anything wrong… and of course it was because of that and one other mistake (supposedly) that lead to my manager terminating me… and then a month later I get that call I mentioned, and was told that all along it was a “technical error” and that if it happens next time they will “look into it more deeply”. But here's the kicker… they go on to say that even though that was a technical error, I still could have gotten terminated because I had forgotten to scan a few items for a single customer's transaction in my initial 13 month run at the joint. So the way I saw it, my manager equated the value of my job, my position, to the value of the few items which was maybe $20 at best, and even if we double the value because of it also messing up item inventory count, it's not a good look. I feel like I am the most reliable employee there, and I always give my 100% because at the end of the day, I want to do a job I feel satisfied doing. Anyway…

So I've been back at the old joint for a couple weeks now and my manager has been going completely off the rails. Every single day it seems like they HAVE to point out something that either me or one of my coworkers slipped up on… and you know, if it was something MAJOR it'd be one thing but no; Ever since I have been back, every time they decide to go off in our “group chat” it's to point out completely minor details. Ex. got on our case because we forgot to put up a chair, or not putting a binder upright on the shelf, the kind of details you'd think only someone with OCD would worry about.

This is really only like my 3rd or 4th job depending on how you look at it, and at worst I hope I provided a funny story for you all to read but man… does anyone else feel like something screwy is going on here? My current plan is to ride out the holidays, reap the perks of the extra hours I'm getting on account of the fact the joint is understaffed, and probably start looking for something else after 6 months since anything less would look meh on my resume'. Thoughts?

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