
Is “SAFe Agile Scrum Development” methodology a red flag?

Context in a nutshell if it matters: I'm a contractor for the government. I'm eyeing a job that pays slightly (potentially significantly) more that would allow me to stay at home. Current job wants us to come back to office work but paying for fuel, food, insurance, etc. would put a strain on my budget not to mention how stressful that is / time lost driving, getting ready, etc. You know the drill. I like my current job and this new one seems very similar but WFH and with more money, so I'm suspicious it's too good to be true. When i see “agile” i read it as “stressful, asking for more work than you're paid for, unreasonable.”

Context in a nutshell if it matters: I'm a contractor for the government. I'm eyeing a job that pays slightly (potentially significantly) more that would allow me to stay at home. Current job wants us to come back to office work but paying for fuel, food, insurance, etc. would put a strain on my budget not to mention how stressful that is / time lost driving, getting ready, etc. You know the drill.

I like my current job and this new one seems very similar but WFH and with more money, so I'm suspicious it's too good to be true. When i see “agile” i read it as “stressful, asking for more work than you're paid for, unreasonable.”

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