
Is There A Productive Alternative To Calling Out Discrimination?

It seems that unless you have the time and a good lawyer and/or responsive HR you almost have to suffer in silence. It seems that if you don’t have the resources for the situation to be rectified, all you gain is getting it off your chest I guess. People don’t change overnight if they change at all. Sometimes it’s not deliberate discrimination, they were just raised that way and don’t know much else. How do you guys handle it or you just quit? It seems most people quit and/or move to cities that are more progressive which is what I plan to do eventually.

It seems that unless you have the time and a good lawyer and/or responsive HR you almost have to suffer in silence.

It seems that if you don’t have the resources for the situation to be rectified, all you gain is getting it off your chest I guess. People don’t change overnight if they change at all. Sometimes it’s not deliberate discrimination, they were just raised that way and don’t know much else.

How do you guys handle it or you just quit? It seems most people quit and/or move to cities that are more progressive which is what I plan to do eventually.

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