
Is there any recourse for the way I was fired today?

I got a job in ABA therapy a few months ago, which has a pretty lengthy training process for an entry level job. I had to do a 40hr informational training course, a competency assessment, a 2 week physical crisis management course, and then a 2 week on the job training. Then, I had to submit all of the information from all portions to the BCBA oversight committee to take the licensure exam, and then I could start. (btw i wasn't a super huge fan of ABA anyway, and i'm kinda glad to be out) There was an issue with how I did my quizzes and tests in the first portion, so I had to start over with the 40 hour training. My boss made me pay for my own course, which didn't seem like a big deal at the time. Then, I had an issue with my trainer being…

I got a job in ABA therapy a few months ago, which has a pretty lengthy training process for an entry level job. I had to do a 40hr informational training course, a competency assessment, a 2 week physical crisis management course, and then a 2 week on the job training. Then, I had to submit all of the information from all portions to the BCBA oversight committee to take the licensure exam, and then I could start. (btw i wasn't a super huge fan of ABA anyway, and i'm kinda glad to be out)

There was an issue with how I did my quizzes and tests in the first portion, so I had to start over with the 40 hour training. My boss made me pay for my own course, which didn't seem like a big deal at the time. Then, I had an issue with my trainer being hostile toward me. I tried to ignore it, but it became so obvious and pervasive that I was genuinely uncomfortable working with her. She even spoke ill of me in front of a client's parent and tried to embarrass me, which was so below the belt. She also ignored my warnings when a client became agitated, and it resulted in him attacking her. I spoke to my supervisor about this, but my concerns were ignored. My issue was that it may be dangerous for me to be paired with her if she was going to be dismissive and not collaborate with me when we work with aggressive clients. I wrote something about this on a survey for HR, as well.

Then, I had a critique that I was zoned out during training, so I wrote my supervisor an email explaining that I have ADHD and that my focus doesn't look like a neurotypical person's focus, but that I was paying attention. She wrote back that she appreciated the information and that it was relevant to know that going forward, so I thought everything was ok. I got done with the 40 hour training, and my boss had me come back in for another competency assessment today. When I walked in, I was fired.

I was told that I don't take feedback well. They thought that my issue with the trainer was about her giving me feedback, but my words were totally misrepresented. Then, they brought up the email I'd written to my supervisor about my disability and how it may affect my work performance, and they used that as evidence that I don't take direction and/or am argumentative. Personally, I don't think me disclosing the parameters of my disability to my supervisor should've been brought up in that context, and it sounds like discrimination and ableism to me. Next, they said that I'd mentioned to a co-worker that I didn't think the trainer liked me, and that the co-worker screenshotted it and shared it around the office, and so I was officially being fired for breaking the no gossiping policy. To me, it sounds like I was the victim of gossip. I said 1 thing to 1 person, and my words were shared with multiple people without my permission.

I really just want to move on, but a few loved ones think I should sue. The company strung me along for about 3 weeks, made me restart my training, and charged me to re-do a training that I can't even use now because they fired me. Obviously, I'm upset, but they misunderstood me, and if this is how they treat people, I'm sure they'll continue to have staffing issues going forward. But is there anything to be done? Should I pursue it? Any thoughts?

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