
Is there any way out??

I'm done. I don't want to work anymore. I work a dead end retail job. i've been there for 15 years. I bust my ass every day, put up with rude ass people who treat me like shit. constantly running around like a chicken with my head cut off at the beck and call of random strangers for 8 hours every day. I'm so mentally exhausted I don't feel like doing anything on my days off but if I just up and quit I'll be broke and unable to even feed myself. What kind of existence is this? I want to live my life not waste most of my days making a corporation rich. I almost pray for a cataclysm like WW3 or something to break out to make the bottom fall out of this shit excuse for an existence. i'm tired of being a slave to money. This is…

I'm done. I don't want to work anymore. I work a dead end retail job. i've been there for 15 years. I bust my ass every day, put up with rude ass people who treat me like shit. constantly running around like a chicken with my head cut off at the beck and call of random strangers for 8 hours every day.

I'm so mentally exhausted I don't feel like doing anything on my days off but if I just up and quit I'll be broke and unable to even feed myself. What kind of existence is this? I want to live my life not waste most of my days making a corporation rich.

I almost pray for a cataclysm like WW3 or something to break out to make the bottom fall out of this shit excuse for an existence. i'm tired of being a slave to money. This is just not sustainable!

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