On Wednesday morning, my manager pulled me in and gave me a letter stating my wages would be increased $1 per hour (if you've read my previous posts…this is still a pathetic wage). He then proceeded to tell me that I am not to discuss wages with my coworkers as salary is a private matter.
Well, I heard about the raise before our meeting because my coworkers told me about it….and that they were told not to talk about it. One did it because she wanted to see if they said that because everyone got a different increase…we all got $1. However….the earlier you were hired, the less you make. So, even after the increase I make more than someone who started a year before me. One such person, apparently took this information from our coworkers, went to management and asked why she wasn't making as much as new hires. He lied straight to her face and said it wasn't true. After getting home Wednesday, I texted a copy of my letter to her and told her to use it as she sees fit.
When I head I to work on my next shift, I plan to post a copy of my letter and a printout from here: https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/your-rights/your-rights-to-discuss-wages. Is there anything else I should add?