
Is there even a point to therapy if all my problems are capitalism

Recently took a job with a 50% paybump (from minimum wage), in the field i went to school for, finally not food service. I was so excited. But i had to move to a city with 100% increase in cost of living. There is not an apartment with 4 walls within 10 miles that's a third of my income. The landlords know they're gouging, because a lot of them say “oh you don't need 3x rent, just 2.5x gross.” My previsit assessment for my therapist asks “do you find yourself unable to stop worrying?” Yeah, I'm worried I'm going to have to choose between food or giving away my cat. Learning not to focus on the negatives feels like it only works when you start getting away from barely scraping by, otherwise it's just tools to tolerate the pot boiling around you

Recently took a job with a 50% paybump (from minimum wage), in the field i went to school for, finally not food service. I was so excited. But i had to move to a city with 100% increase in cost of living. There is not an apartment with 4 walls within 10 miles that's a third of my income. The landlords know they're gouging, because a lot of them say “oh you don't need 3x rent, just 2.5x gross.” My previsit assessment for my therapist asks “do you find yourself unable to stop worrying?” Yeah, I'm worried I'm going to have to choose between food or giving away my cat. Learning not to focus on the negatives feels like it only works when you start getting away from barely scraping by, otherwise it's just tools to tolerate the pot boiling around you

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