
Is this a normal way to conduct a salary review?

So I was on paid time off and at a music festival for 5 days. I knew my salary review was coming up but I figured it would be done after my time off so I took the time off anyways. I come back from my time off and hear that my salary review was already conducted. I'm not disappointed that I didn't get the senior position however, I'm disappointed that this review was conducted without my presence. I asked if I could appeal the decision however I was told that it wouldn't be possible. I atleast would've liked a chance to make my case as to why I deserve the position. Is this how salary reviews are normally conducted or am I really working at Doodoo dynamics Industries?

So I was on paid time off and at a music festival for 5 days. I knew my salary review was coming up but I figured it would be done after my time off so I took the time off anyways. I come back from my time off and hear that my salary review was already conducted. I'm not disappointed that I didn't get the senior position however, I'm disappointed that this review was conducted without my presence. I asked if I could appeal the decision however I was told that it wouldn't be possible. I atleast would've liked a chance to make my case as to why I deserve the position. Is this how salary reviews are normally conducted or am I really working at Doodoo dynamics Industries?

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