
Is this even for me? Am I doing something wrong?

I’m a 19yr old who got a cdl. I went to school and then wasn’t given job placements like they promised. I live in a tiny state. Someone helped me get a job at this towing Company and so far my experience has been absolute shit to me. Why choose towing instead of a cdl company? Well insurance on company’s accept at 21 mostly, and then it’s being intrastate till 21, and with no experience that just weighs down on me. Why’s it bad? Not sure if it’s just me or if it truly is that. This towing ompany handles accident reports, My whole task rn is to take cars from the yard to the scrap yard which I think is too get used to things not sure. I have to do it super fast which I’m kinda struggling with. The heat rn is terrible, and the equipment is so…

I’m a 19yr old who got a cdl. I went to school and then wasn’t given job placements like they promised. I live in a tiny state. Someone helped me get a job at this towing Company and so far my experience has been absolute shit to me. Why choose towing instead of a cdl company? Well insurance on company’s accept at 21 mostly, and then it’s being intrastate till 21, and with no experience that just weighs down on me.

Why’s it bad? Not sure if it’s just me or if it truly is that. This towing ompany handles accident reports, My whole task rn is to take cars from the yard to the scrap yard which I think is too get used to things not sure. I have to do it super fast which I’m kinda struggling with. The heat rn is terrible, and the equipment is so old like u gotta Turn the truck on by clicking a fuse under the hood and the AC don’t work. The yard is so tight I’m always afraid I’ll mess up bad and especially if I don’t do it the specific way the guy training me wants it. What I’ve learnt so far is everything is different for everybody’s process, so that does mess me up sometimes when I get advice from crew members that my trainer says is dead wrong. I’m making 15hr for 40hrs a week, lowest paid employee which can’t qualify for even the cheapest apartments in my state, not even a studio and I’m doing doordash on the side. I’m not allowed to work more than 40. Less than $500 a week after taxes taken out. It makes me depressed knowing that there’s another guy I know who’s my age makin $25hr with 60hr work weeks driving a dump truck. I’ve applied everywhere, and no luck elsewhere. My trainer laughs when I say this, while he brags about making $25hr with commission on everything that he brings in, as a regular tower. Today I almost passed out due to heat exhaustion, even with water isn’t enough cuz my body rids of it too fast. I’m also working on a messed up foot, which I screwed up last week visiting someone. Over the last couple weeks I’ve learnt this company is dysfunctional, like random people being invited to the yard or how like everything is broke or out of service, or nobody knows what anybody is doing, and I was hired to deal with 3 years of a neglected car-filled lot that is now too full to put cars in, which is why it’s a problem. Another thing, I’m the only one doing this besides the trainer chilling watching me at the yard in his ac working truck. What really made me say this all was because of today of almost reaching my breaking point of heat exhaustion and stress limit. I don’t wanna quit cuz I need some type of commercial driving experience but I can’t handle it a lot of times. I guess rant over

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