
is this legal

So the most bullshit thing happened to me at work today. I work in warehouse job doing constant repetitive motions for context. I felt something pop / move in my neck shoulder area, with hot pain going up to my ear down to my hand, to my collar bone. It all still hurts 10 hours later BTW. I seriously think something is wrong, so I went and did a report. I was told I could go to a doctor of their choice but if something is wrong and I had to miss work I have to use my remaining vacation time. Which mind you is only 40 hours for the half year.. I pay for temporary disability or whatever with my insurance? Also they sent me home without pay after me crying saying u can't afford that. So is this even legal? Because as of right now I jave to…

So the most bullshit thing happened to me at work today.

I work in warehouse job doing constant repetitive motions for context. I felt something pop / move in my neck shoulder area, with hot pain going up to my ear down to my hand, to my collar bone. It all still hurts 10 hours later BTW. I seriously think something is wrong, so I went and did a report.

I was told I could go to a doctor of their choice but if something is wrong and I had to miss work I have to use my remaining vacation time. Which mind you is only 40 hours for the half year.. I pay for temporary disability or whatever with my insurance?

Also they sent me home without pay after me crying saying u can't afford that.

So is this even legal?
Because as of right now I jave to go to work tomorrow and act like I'm not injured because I can't afford to get kicked out of work.

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