
Is this legal for a first job?

My sister (16f) and I (19f) have been in disagreement over her first job. She works retail at a family owned business that is fairly successful and she says she enjoys it. However, I was really upset when I found out that she worked an 8 hour shift and only got a 15 minute paid break the entire time. Also, they only give out breaks if you work that amount of time. Forget getting a ten for a 4 hour shift, and lunches are unheard of. I told her that every job I’ve had gave me lunch breaks after 6 hours worked and at least a ten. But she says that she googled and in America you don’t need to give out breaks necessarily. Is this true? If it’s true I’m going to be really sad, but I thought that it was illegal to go without any breaks.

My sister (16f) and I (19f) have been in disagreement over her first job. She works retail at a family owned business that is fairly successful and she says she enjoys it. However, I was really upset when I found out that she worked an 8 hour shift and only got a 15 minute paid break the entire time. Also, they only give out breaks if you work that amount of time. Forget getting a ten for a 4 hour shift, and lunches are unheard of. I told her that every job I’ve had gave me lunch breaks after 6 hours worked and at least a ten. But she says that she googled and in America you don’t need to give out breaks necessarily. Is this true? If it’s true I’m going to be really sad, but I thought that it was illegal to go without any breaks.

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