
Is this legal? What should I do?

My boss is the owner/operating partner of a fast food restaurant in my hometown. His wife is the GM and his son is a crew leader. They all are 1-2 hours late every morning and then when they get there they just sit on there phones and shop or watch football. Well, I just found out that everyday before they leave my boss is going back and changing the hours that his wife and son work so it shows they were on time instead of 2 hours late, essentially allowing them to be paid for not even being at work. Is this even legal, and if not who do I report this to and if I do is there any chance this will stop for good or is it just a slap on the wrist kind of thing? I’m in Florida btw Also, side note, his daughter works there too…

My boss is the owner/operating partner of a fast food restaurant in my hometown. His wife is the GM and his son is a crew leader. They all are 1-2 hours late every morning and then when they get there they just sit on there phones and shop or watch football. Well, I just found out that everyday before they leave my boss is going back and changing the hours that his wife and son work so it shows they were on time instead of 2 hours late, essentially allowing them to be paid for not even being at work. Is this even legal, and if not who do I report this to and if I do is there any chance this will stop for good or is it just a slap on the wrist kind of thing?

I’m in Florida btw

Also, side note, his daughter works there too as an assistant manager but she doesn’t get this kind of special treatment and she gets yelled at ever single day she is late.

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