
Is this legit in Texas?

I’ve never heard this before, for context I discussed with an underpaid coworker that’s been with the company for a little over a year that I was given a $2.50 raise and that he should reach out to management above the store manager we’re in constant communication with & communicate that he hasn’t been spoken to about a raise since the time of his start. Fast forward about an hour after I get home I get a text from said manager saying this. Just trying to get an understanding on where I stand. Genuinely was trying to help my coworker who I actually consider a friend.

I’ve never heard this before, for context I discussed with an underpaid coworker that’s been with the company for a little over a year that I was given a $2.50 raise and that he should reach out to management above the store manager we’re in constant communication with & communicate that he hasn’t been spoken to about a raise since the time of his start. Fast forward about an hour after I get home I get a text from said manager saying this. Just trying to get an understanding on where I stand. Genuinely was trying to help my coworker who I actually consider a friend.

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