
Is this sub just about complaining or is there positive goal or movement?

Everyone seems to understand that work generally sucks. Most everyone understands the injustice of having others disproportionately profit off of your labor. Most get that power and privilege of a few is an injustice because there's really no “own bootstraps” in society. Most everyone would prefer to have a life that isn't centered around education to become a cog in the machine, being that cog, making more cogs and die. I would but I play the game because its the only game. What's the realistic alternative? Are there practical ideas behind the “no-work” movement or is it just whining?

Everyone seems to understand that work generally sucks. Most everyone understands the injustice of having others disproportionately profit off of your labor. Most get that power and privilege of a few is an injustice because there's really no “own bootstraps” in society.

Most everyone would prefer to have a life that isn't centered around education to become a cog in the machine, being that cog, making more cogs and die. I would but I play the game because its the only game. What's the realistic alternative? Are there practical ideas behind the “no-work” movement or is it just whining?

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