
Is this work place harassment?

So I work with machines. I guess you could call it heavy machinery but idk if that fits exactly. Injuries while working are possible but not common. If an injury does happen it’s a small scrap or a bloody knuckle from a wrench suddenly giving way. More serious injuries are possible but I’ve worked there for two years and nothing bad has happened. I have a work phone. My boss just told me that I need to have my work phone on my person at all times during work hours and that I need to answer my phone regardless of what I am doing. I told him that I will not answer my phone while working on the machines. The client wants their machine running and I will get it up an running as quickly as I can within reasons. He found this to be unacceptable and told me I…

So I work with machines. I guess you could call it heavy machinery but idk if that fits exactly. Injuries while working are possible but not common. If an injury does happen it’s a small scrap or a bloody knuckle from a wrench suddenly giving way. More serious injuries are possible but I’ve worked there for two years and nothing bad has happened.

I have a work phone. My boss just told me that I need to have my work phone on my person at all times during work hours and that I need to answer my phone regardless of what I am doing. I told him that I will not answer my phone while working on the machines. The client wants their machine running and I will get it up an running as quickly as I can within reasons.

He found this to be unacceptable and told me I had no choice. We went back and forth then he threatened to write me up. I said ok, as in “I’m ok with you writing me up.” He understood it as me saying “yes I will distract myself with your phone calls while working on the machines even though there are other employees I can contact who can provide the same information.

This person has in the past asked me to do things that no other person is expected to do. It is usually small things that he eventually forgets about. I would be the only person expect to answer their phone while working on the machines. Before I have been compliant but I can’t take it anymore. I hate the way he talks to me like I’m some child or dog to be ordered around. And I feel like this particular request could put me at risk.

Am I overreacting? I don’t think I am but this is the first time I have ever stood up to a boss before so I want to make sure I’m good.

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