
Issues with broken systems at work regarding promotion and pay= fed up employee

For context, I work for a large public research university within a smaller department(around 100 staff) that is largely grant-funded by state departments, national and local orgs, and health systems to work on a variety of projects. Within the department itself, there are around 5-7 main teams that work on different portfolio of project work, but some projects have collaboration across teams. In 2020, I started working with my current team within this department as a graduate student and then hired an entry level research position as a full-time staff member on the same team a year later. As nature of working within a state entity, especially in more conservative right-to-work state, systems are heavily bureaucratic and there’s a bunch of red tape. Our career progression and promotion systems are broken and not sure I can explain exactly why. Essentially, there are folks waiting for, kid you not, a promotion…

For context, I work for a large public research university within a smaller department(around 100 staff) that is largely grant-funded by state departments, national and local orgs, and health systems to work on a variety of projects. Within the department itself, there are around 5-7 main teams that work on different portfolio of project work, but some projects have collaboration across teams.

In 2020, I started working with my current team within this department as a graduate student and then hired an entry level research position as a full-time staff member on the same team a year later. As nature of working within a state entity, especially in more conservative right-to-work state, systems are heavily bureaucratic and there’s a bunch of red tape.

Our career progression and promotion systems are broken and not sure I can explain exactly why. Essentially, there are folks waiting for, kid you not, a promotion to the next level within their respective career tracks for over a year, if not years. I’m unfortunately someone who is also waiting, but it hasn’t been a year yet (but 6 months). Leadership blames the larger university system as the reason is takes so slow, but I later learned information that we as department have a role as well for this issue. It’s not common for folks to get back pay for a promotion that was approved before processed, so waiting is extra frustrating as oftentimes our higher level skills are being used but not compensated for fairly.

My supervisor, a young baby boomer who is incompetent and doesn’t care much as long as I help her do her job she often complains about to me, doesn’t seem to care much though is sympathetic about it. She also acts like she has no role to push this forward and seems annoyed when I ask about it in every check-in meeting. This promotion would be a significant salary bump and also a relief when I’ve been drowning in higher bills lately that my COLA barely affords. So of course I care and want to have clarity on the timeline that I will never have.

I tried to take matters in my own hands by applying internally to the next higher level position within my department but on a separate team. Since our system is so broken , it isn’t uncommon for folks to do this as a way to get promoted faster. Essentially, they interview and get reclassified with the new titile if the team would like to hire them vs. Going with an external candidate. So there was an opening on a team I work closely with, I applied and interviewed. Did two interviews and a presentation, which is a lot of work as an internal candidate. After that and some months waiting, I’m told that although they would like to hire me and feel I have the skills and experience, they aren’t sure about the funding yet for the position (there was turnover within the state department the funding comes through and the new person is still learning the ropes).

At the same time I was told that, I get another opportunity to jump ship with another team that I was recommended to to fill a position they need to hire for asap at this higher level. I was especially excited about this opportunity with this team since the position would involve work with evaluation and data analytics, which are career areas of expertise I want to grow in. The project lead also seemed cool and I could learn a lot working under her. Then today I was told they feel they need someone who is later career with more experience and will continue to look for someone externally. At this point, I didn’t have much energy to advocate and be like, well I should have been hired at this level anyways or just so you know, I’ve been doing some of my boss’ job for a while now. Like I don’t think you will find someone perfect who is external and who can onboard immediately and jump into things quickly. By the time they do, I could have been fully transitioned and had a bit of time to grow into the position I’ve been more or less doing for 6 months now, minus the pay and title change.

Just to add on top of all of that, there are series pay discrepancies between staff and position titles. Salary compression is an issue. I make the same as new hires after almost 3 years, haven’t gotten an actual raise besides COLAs even after meeting and exceeding my performance reviews. There are some folks that make more than me within my same title and level since they were brought on with a higher salary and then received the COLAs as well. I brought it up before but my supervisor likes to changes the subject and go on separate tangents on the economy and how salaries adjust to the market. So not only is any sign of my promotion unclear, I also have internal equity issues with my pay. This is while being a top performer and having different teams see that and want to hire me but later figure out they can’t.

Overall, I’m feeling discouraged and frustrated and having low morale. I’m also struggling with some self-esteem over this feeling like maybe I’m not enough to pay fairly or promote. I know people recommend to job hop to get an external promotion and a pay bump. How do you go job seeking not feeling so defeated by stems of inequity? I heard the job market is rough right now so I’m nervous. Any words of encouragement, words of wisdom, advice would be appreciated. If anything, it will help get though my in-person meeting tomorrow with my POS supervisor.

To help with any career advice, I have a MPH, 3-5 years of experience and looking to shift more into evaluation and data analytics. Have considered tech field but not sure. I’m currently doing the Google data analytics professional certificate program.

Thank you!

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