
It came from nowhere

I was working at what I thought was an amazing company, I didn't felt like a number or fuel and I got close to everyone in the team. It was woman's only office and I really liked it. I learned everything fast and quickly became really good at my job (it was just business and office kinda stuff, so it was really easy for me) I always arrived early, got multiple compliments from client and bosses, helped everyone with anything, made tea, talked everyone so highly and they seemed to like me. It was all 40+ woman except for our supervisor who just made 21 (they called her “jet” because she grew really fast inside the company) Since I was the youngest they treated me like the younger sister. The supervisor was more difficult to please but I tried anyway. She was always sarcastic tho, but I can't really take…

I was working at what I thought was an amazing company, I didn't felt like a number or fuel and I got close to everyone in the team. It was woman's only office and I really liked it. I learned everything fast and quickly became really good at my job (it was just business and office kinda stuff, so it was really easy for me)

I always arrived early, got multiple compliments from client and bosses, helped everyone with anything, made tea, talked everyone so highly and they seemed to like me. It was all 40+ woman except for our supervisor who just made 21 (they called her “jet” because she grew really fast inside the company)
Since I was the youngest they treated me like the younger sister. The supervisor was more difficult to please but I tried anyway. She was always sarcastic tho, but I can't really take social hints so I thought she was being honest, she would always corret me saying “I was being sarcastic” and we laughed because I didn't get it.

Then yesterday out of nowhere my boss who I held dearly wanted to talk with me. I thought I was getting some feedback because maybe I failed something but she sat me down and said she thanks me for everything I did but they will let me go. I was in shock, everything was going fine! What took them months to do I finished in hours, when I got something wrong I owned up to it, I took notes, I learned everything and somehow it wasn't enough?

I felt like I was going to throw up and just started crying. They called an Uber for me and no one even said bye, they didn't even acknowledge I existed.

I cried all the way home (it's in a different city so it was a long ride) and cried until I fell asleep. They even paid the fine for when you dismiss someone before their training period ends, which was only a day before it ended, they didn't even wanted to wait. They didn't gave me a honest reason, they said I didn't meet their expectations even tho I was told multiple times I surpassed them. I looked on their LinkedIn and they opened up my position 2 days ago. I'm heartbroken, I thought I was going to spend years there.

Ps: I'm sorry for my English, I'm still learning 🙁

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