
it feels like my managers are picking on me

just venting here cus i made the mistake of trying to file a complaint against my manager to the big boss of the store, but i quickly realised she doesn't like me either, so i've got the two biggest managers gunning against me and finding faults in everything that i do,, at this rate i don't even know if i'll pass my probation since i'm apparently shit at my job, i can't afford to lose this role but i also can't stand to be in it anymore don’t get me wrong, i get it, i can’t keep my mouth shut, if i don't agree with the way someone speaks to me i'll make everyone aware of that- i've made my bed and now i gotta lie in it too but it isn't just me, im just the only one speaking up so im the main target to pick on at…

just venting here cus i made the mistake of trying to file a complaint against my manager to the big boss of the store, but i quickly realised she doesn't like me either, so i've got the two biggest managers gunning against me and finding faults in everything that i do,, at this rate i don't even know if i'll pass my probation since i'm apparently shit at my job, i can't afford to lose this role but i also can't stand to be in it anymore

don’t get me wrong, i get it, i can’t keep my mouth shut, if i don't agree with the way someone speaks to me i'll make everyone aware of that- i've made my bed and now i gotta lie in it too

but it isn't just me, im just the only one speaking up so im the main target to pick on at the moment, an old lady in my department literally left last week for the same reason (among other things), my other colleague asked me the other day if she has to work her notice or if she can just up and quit,,, everyone is sick of the favouritism and double standards, the ungratefulness of these two arrogant managers,,, he pulled me in for a one on one the other day- told me standards are dropping since i started in my department (even tho i had 4 others working with me during that time too) i told him i was struggling (he was partially the reason i was since he kept on leaving arsey notes etc) to which he completely invalidated my feelings telling me everyone has it worse but just leaves it at the door- so why can't i? he then proceeded to say “oh but if ur struggling u can tell me about ur problems now” as if i would when he dismissed me entirely before even listening,,, and because a bunch of the stuff i've heard that he's said about me is hearsay, i can't file an official complaint because it would simply be a matter of “i don't like ur tone >: (” pathetic

it makes me dread work everyday and has severely affected my mental health, i don’t know what to do anymore

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