
it feels like we’ve stopped trying to make the world better; why all the artificial urgency?

We're all so focused on survival or personal gain – I really don't know how to be there for my family in my current career path. 50-60 hour weeks without overtime, and there's continuing education and all sorts of extra time commitments that I barely have control over. The money is alright enough ($50k, USD) but it's like you either have money or you have time/health. Or you're exploiting someone, scraping off the top, or never home. Even just the constant ads for things I could never afford, the medications I need in order to function at this pace, the overwhelming fear of losing my housing or having another medical emergency. I'm 27(M), the rest of life seems like we're watching everything get shittier, more out of reach, harder to keep up with. I have lost hope for starting a family. “You cannot get blood from a stone.” What can…

We're all so focused on survival or personal gain – I really don't know how to be there for my family in my current career path. 50-60 hour weeks without overtime, and there's continuing education and all sorts of extra time commitments that I barely have control over. The money is alright enough ($50k, USD) but it's like you either have money or you have time/health.
Or you're exploiting someone, scraping off the top, or never home.

Even just the constant ads for things I could never afford, the medications I need in order to function at this pace, the overwhelming fear of losing my housing or having another medical emergency. I'm 27(M), the rest of life seems like we're watching everything get shittier, more out of reach, harder to keep up with. I have lost hope for starting a family. “You cannot get blood from a stone.”

What can I/any of us do to enrich the lives of the people around us without slaving away for material goods/scrambling for any kind of safety net? I don't care about money as much as I care about being present for loved ones, but I can't help feeling like without going full dive into a morally-defunct job that kills me, I will never have the chance to feel “secure”

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