
IT needs a union nation wide

so I work for a company that makes alot of money. lets just say billions. we got told a few months ago about moving our on prem infrastructure into cloud. This is pretty standard pretty much everyone is doing this fad now until they realize the cost and then slowly pull back out. we were giving a timeline that was pretty aggressive about a year and they were wanting to move pretty much everything. Well now we had a incident. basically management never figured out the data centers we were in weren't a Hot/Hot and were more a hot/warmish setup. This was a cause of concern when we had some server's network card shit the bed over the weekend and the main database for EVERYTHING was on that server cluster and was not being replicated to our other datacenter. Once upper management found out how close we were to being…

so I work for a company that makes alot of money. lets just say billions. we got told a few months ago about moving our on prem infrastructure into cloud. This is pretty standard pretty much everyone is doing this fad now until they realize the cost and then slowly pull back out. we were giving a timeline that was pretty aggressive about a year and they were wanting to move pretty much everything.

Well now we had a incident. basically management never figured out the data centers we were in weren't a Hot/Hot and were more a hot/warmish setup. This was a cause of concern when we had some server's network card shit the bed over the weekend and the main database for EVERYTHING was on that server cluster and was not being replicated to our other datacenter. Once upper management found out how close we were to being screwed for a day or more they pushed us to get into the cloud within 3 months. Any Guess whos working thanks giving?

Also while we are stressed about moving everything to the cloud we are also training our replacements! They haven't came out and said it yet but the writing is on the wall. Basically along with going to the cloud the company decided to bring in an offshore MSP (yay) they are replacing… i mean working with us so its 1 to 1 staffing now. if you had 6 security guys that were full time now we got 6 MSP guys. same thing for server guys, network guys, and even our desktop support people. They are trying to say it's to help us so we can do less day to day work like backups and such. Best part was when we were all getting calls from the MSP asking us to come work for them for more money and offering us our jobs that we currently work same company and everything.

I can't give away too much detail but the math ain't mathing. the amount of work is going to go down tremendously when we start doing everything by code. Pretty much we all know we are getting the boot at some point or another or our jobs are going to change from what our current duties are to just being MSP hand holders and fixing their screw ups. Either way I'm hoping we get to stay till bonus time and then I will be looking for other work. If I get let go early definitely going for unemployment.

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