
It should be EASY to get hired

I always thought if someone wants me to work for them, sending my CV and saying I'm available and interested in working with them should be enough. It just occurred to me though. If they need people to work for them, shouldn't they be the ones jumping through hoops? Isn't it us who dedicate most of our time to the point of that our whole lives revolve around it and we neglect our families emotionally? If they need people to work for them so badly, why add all that BS? Oh right because it's part of the smokescreen and psychological con game. To distract from the fact that they need us to make a living off our backs.

I always thought if someone wants me to work for them, sending my CV and saying I'm available and interested in working with them should be enough.

It just occurred to me though. If they need people to work for them, shouldn't they be the ones jumping through hoops? Isn't it us who dedicate most of our time to the point of that our whole lives revolve around it and we neglect our families emotionally?

If they need people to work for them so badly, why add all that BS? Oh right because it's part of the smokescreen and psychological con game. To distract from the fact that they need us to make a living off our backs.

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