
It was my final PIP meeting and I was forced to resign

I mentioned a couple of months ago that I was put on a PIP. Last month when I met with my boss he said that I had a good month but to just keep up with the details I sometimes miss. When I went to put something in my calendar I noticed HR was going to attend todays meeting. I got sick to my stomach because I knew what was coming. So when I met with them this afternoon they said that they didn’t see progress in me so they gave me 2 options: quit and they wouldn’t block my unemployment, or let them terminate me, which would take a long process and have to go to the City Manager (I worked for city government), and if I chose that option and were to find apply for another job that would call them for a reference check, they would tell…

I mentioned a couple of months ago that I was put on a PIP. Last month when I met with my boss he said that I had a good month but to just keep up with the details I sometimes miss.

When I went to put something in my calendar I noticed HR was going to attend todays meeting. I got sick to my stomach because I knew what was coming. So when I met with them this afternoon they said that they didn’t see progress in me so they gave me 2 options: quit and they wouldn’t block my unemployment, or let them terminate me, which would take a long process and have to go to the City Manager (I worked for city government), and if I chose that option and were to find apply for another job that would call them for a reference check, they would tell them I got terminated. So I chose to quit. HR said this would be a chance to tell my story rather than them.

I saw it coming. I really wasn’t happy here and there were tensions between my boss and I. But it was amicable and I am relieved.

It sucks because it seemed like things were going well and my boss was giving me some tasks and not taking them away.

Now I just have to get on the grind and start applying, even if it’s part time. I’m just kinda dreading the process because I’ve heard about how this is the worst job market ever. I’m also going to work on my side hustle too along with the job hunt.

I’m just processing everything and there’s so many emotions. I was miserable there and it def like 2.5 years down the drain. I’m relieved though, but now I’m anxious about the bills and the job process though. I think I’ll be ok no matter what. Just still in a state of shock.

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