
It’s All a Game to the Wealthy

The University of Indiana chooses to give a football coach $20.8 million when firing him. Meanwhile, graduate students at the school are paid a pittance while their research supports millions of dollars of corporate-funded work. What is particularly galling is the timing of the coach’s termination. According to the ESPN article, had the U of I waited five days their payout would have been $8 million. The wealthy take care of their own. The rest of us are just means to an end. When will we rise up?

The University of Indiana chooses to give a football coach $20.8 million when firing him. Meanwhile, graduate students at the school are paid a pittance while their research supports millions of dollars of corporate-funded work.

What is particularly galling is the timing of the coach’s termination. According to the ESPN article, had the U of I waited five days their payout would have been $8 million.

The wealthy take care of their own. The rest of us are just means to an end. When will we rise up?

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