
it’s been 20 days and i still haven’t gotten paid

Hey! Im a vis dev artist working at this startup animation studio and p much as the title says, pays have been late for the previous month and I'm running on fumes at this point. I neither have the energy or money left to keep on dealing with this and conversations with the boss always end in “you'll get it this week” only for it to be delayed another week. I'm furious and on the verge of quitting

Hey! Im a vis dev artist working at this startup animation studio and p much as the title says, pays have been late for the previous month and I'm running on fumes at this point. I neither have the energy or money left to keep on dealing with this and conversations with the boss always end in “you'll get it this week” only for it to be delayed another week. I'm furious and on the verge of quitting

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