
It’s been over a year and I’m still bitter and angry.

So on August 10th 2022 I was fired from my “dream job” quotes because no one really dreams of working their entire life. I busted ass working for a new store as part of a franchise, specifically a hobby gaming store franchise. I was working up to 16 hours a day at the start (half of it off the clock), and even after I got the store open and running I was working 10-12 hour days (again partly off the clock). Even after that I had to make myself available online 24 hours a day on discord to deal with customers. I uprooted my life and left my union job (which couldn't rehire me after I was forced back here). I made someone else's business a success, I pushed myself well above and beyond what an employee should do. Within 9 months I had taken the store from bringing in…

So on August 10th 2022 I was fired from my “dream job” quotes because no one really dreams of working their entire life.

I busted ass working for a new store as part of a franchise, specifically a hobby gaming store franchise. I was working up to 16 hours a day at the start (half of it off the clock), and even after I got the store open and running I was working 10-12 hour days (again partly off the clock). Even after that I had to make myself available online 24 hours a day on discord to deal with customers.

I uprooted my life and left my union job (which couldn't rehire me after I was forced back here). I made someone else's business a success, I pushed myself well above and beyond what an employee should do. Within 9 months I had taken the store from bringing in around $20,000 a month to almost $80,000. I had some connections to some hobby game groups and large chats of local fandom groups and convinced those people to come support the store.

I was given a set of goals to achieve within a year and given a bonus if I met preset sales goals each quarter… I was so good at my job I met the first three quarters sales goals within the first quarter.

To be blunt, I was fucking good at my job.

My boss at some point noticed I was doing more hours than he wanted to pay me for, even though I was doing my best to stay off the clock for as much of my overtime work as I could, I just wanted to make the store a success. My boss moved me to salary.

I also posted online at the time noting that I felt I was pushing myself too hard and was having mental health issues, which my boss found. His solution? Tell me to have a work from home day, really blurring what was left of the line separating my work and home life.

My boss was always on my ass about work, even on my days off. Having my make regular social media posts before, during, and after store events. Making me moderate our discord 24 hours a day. Checking orders and new products when I was out of town on vacation.

I was eventually fired. But not just regular fired, my boss at the time outright threatened me. He told me I needed to resign, and if I did he would pay me out for the rest of the month, if I refused he wouldn't pay me out. He also said he would allow me to use him as a reference and would give me a good review, and that if I resigned I could collect unemployment.

Well I wasn't aware at the time but if you quit, even under duress, you can't claim unemployment. He also docked me $550 from my final paycheck claiming it was a business expense I needed to “pay back” from an airline ticket HE bought… With credit card rewards points. He didn't even spend money and docked me for something he did.

I contacted him and he basically told me “too bad” after which I contacted the department of labor, who also sorta gave me a “too bad” after a few weeks, turns out they can't enforce a verbal agreement and can only make companies pay for hours worked unpaid. I wasn't on the clock so no wage theft occured in their eyes.

To add even more insult to injury in his response he claims he never said anything about paying me out AND he oaid out more than he should have AND paid out my vacation time, which he obviously didn't. He also claims I harassed him and his business after leaving, and claims I stole from my then roommate, which didn't happen and doesn't have anything to do with him. Even the roommate put in their two cents and said “I wouldn't say he stole” I know this because my ex-boss sent the orivate chat logs to the department of labor as “proof” and they sent them to me because they are legally required to send me a copy of his response to my claim.

But it still didn't end there. As part of my employment I was supposed to get health insurance paid by the company, rather then have a plan set up for me he instead told me to pick a state plan and he would reimburse me, but also he needed to approve the plan first. The plan he approved was a plan paid on a tax credit I was paying less than $2 out of pocket, but the remaining cost was to be paid later at tax time. I was fired in August and when tax time rolled around I got a pretty horrifying message from the IRS when I filed my taxes. I owed $1700. I sent this to my ex-boss who almost seemed to care and asked for all my tax info so he could run the numbers… Then he got back to me and claimed that even though the insurance company and IRS both said I owed that money I didn't actually owe it and he wouldn't pay it. I ended up in massive debt over it. Maybe not massive by most people's standards, but massive for someone living paycheck to paycheck. The total debt due to interest, and borrowing money from family to stay afloat was over $3000, funny enough if he HAD paid my out as promised, and HAD paid out the vacation time as he claimed, AND paid for my health insurance I would be doing fine right now. I don't feel like finding the math but the total payout had he done it wouldnt have been between $3500-3800. Covering the debt entirely and giving me a little extra.

But it still didn't end there. I actually had an interview shortly after being fired, before the tax situation and before I contacted the department of labor. It went really well and they really liked me. They asked for some references and then never called me back. Since I know two ofy three references always give me glowing reviews I suspect my former employer tanked it for me. I can't prove it, but I can't imagine any other alternatives.

Despite it being 16 months since being fired I am still extremely bitter and angry over it. I busted ass and got nothing for it. I exceeded expectations and surpassed every goal given to me. But in the end It wasn't good enough.

I actually have a much, much, much more detailed document but links aren't allowed in this subreddit. If someone wants to read it maybe I can leave the link as a comment? I don't know if that's allowed either. My point is owners and companies don't value their employees, we are all disposable, our lives don't matter to them.

And a note to my former employer, because I know you are still stalking me online like some kind of fucking psychopath, hi. J.B. is stealing from you, she is very good at sleight of hand and pockets booster packs and customer trade ins. I didn't say anything because I assumed she was struggling financially, I looked the other way out of kindness. She also does her makeup at work on the clock, I screenshot her tweets saying she does. Again I looked the other way. K.I. is also a yes man, he won't even disagree with you no matter how dumb an idea is. Is this petty and spiteful to point this out? Maybe, my main point is thst all of your employees have their own things going on and you are extremely dense for not noticing and firing me over one single complaint from a customer who doesn't even go to your store anymore because they hate you.

Anyways… That's it.

EDIT: As of posting this the Twitter account of J.B. has mysteriously been deleted, I wish I had taken more screenshots because now the evidence is gone.

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