
It’s holiday season

You would think it’s the time of the year when the employees get bonuses for working so hard all year. You thought wrong. I don’t get a Christmas bonus or a end of year bonus or a quarterly bonus. Everyone that works in the company corporate structure does though. Big checks being cut for them while taking credit for our hard work. My company gives out Christmas boxes. Guess what’s in the boxes? Extra cash? Vacation days? Gift cards? Free Company attire? Nope. It’s a box with snacks worth about $20, honestly probably $5 since the company is so big. You thought you were getting extra money to buy a thanksgiving ham or to buy your kids some toys? Or you know, to keep your lights on? Nah here’s some fucking Oreos, skittles, and a nice letter from the CEO (it’s most likely written by some intern and edited by…

You would think it’s the time of the year when the employees get bonuses for working so hard all year. You thought wrong. I don’t get a Christmas bonus or a end of year bonus or a quarterly bonus. Everyone that works in the company corporate structure does though. Big checks being cut for them while taking credit for our hard work.

My company gives out Christmas boxes. Guess what’s in the boxes? Extra cash? Vacation days? Gift cards? Free Company attire? Nope. It’s a box with snacks worth about $20, honestly probably $5 since the company is so big. You thought you were getting extra money to buy a thanksgiving ham or to buy your kids some toys? Or you know, to keep your lights on? Nah here’s some fucking Oreos, skittles, and a nice letter from the CEO (it’s most likely written by some intern and edited by some guy in marketing) thanking you for all your hard work so he can live it up in a multi million dollar mansion.

I swear when my coworkers told me they get Christmas boxes instead of bonus pay I thought they were joking. The fuck do I want with a bag of skittles when I can barely pay my bills?

I can not wait until I get the hell out of this bs job.

big ups to you if you can guess what company it is

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