
It’s hopeless

In high school I thought about what I wanted to do and I picked graphic design. Designers were killing it then. I struggled to get my Associates degree and now I can’t find a job in my field. I’ve applied to too many to even count. I either have to get one with crappy pay that’s not even remotely a living wage, one without health insurance (Thanks, America) Or I have to go broke and go back to school to get a second piece of paper that says I’m more qualified. I need experience to get a job, they say. But how am I supposed to get experience without a job?! I can’t live off freelance work so I’m working a job I hate in the meantime. It’s completely hopeless. There are so many programs out now that allow EVERYONE to do what I do. And now we are all…

In high school I thought about what I wanted to do and I picked graphic design. Designers were killing it then. I struggled to get my Associates degree and now I can’t find a job in my field. I’ve applied to too many to even count. I either have to get one with crappy pay that’s not even remotely a living wage, one without health insurance (Thanks, America) Or I have to go broke and go back to school to get a second piece of paper that says I’m more qualified. I need experience to get a job, they say. But how am I supposed to get experience without a job?! I can’t live off freelance work so I’m working a job I hate in the meantime.

It’s completely hopeless. There are so many programs out now that allow EVERYONE to do what I do. And now we are all going to be replaced by AI and nobody cares. If I could go back in time, I’d have chosen a different path. But with housing and the economy the way it is, maybe it wouldn’t have been much better.

It wasn’t supposed to be this way. In the old days, if you went to college for a certain skill you were wanted. You were practically guaranteed a job. And now companies see us as nothing. Why hire people when a robot can do it instead, right? Fuck all this. I’m at the end of my rope with everything. I need to get therapy for this bullshit. So many people will need it. This is only going to get worse.

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