
It’s more clear to me than ever that my boss is unnecessary

My annoying ass stress-inducing boss has been gone for the last month on a vacation. Before she left her and the rest of the manager/upper people on my team acted like my coworker and I who are under her would implode and fall apart without her because she treats us like we’re incompetent and seems to have the rest of the team believing we are as well. While she was gone we were technically under the supervision of her boss, who is much more hands off (aka not a micromanaging hawk) and allowed us to work on our shit in peace. We were to handle all of the stuff our boss normally does plus whatever we usually do. And lo and behold…it was fine. Everything got done. No issues. No mistakes. No delays. It was fine. And on top of that, I had my first month EVER at this job…

My annoying ass stress-inducing boss has been gone for the last month on a vacation. Before she left her and the rest of the manager/upper people on my team acted like my coworker and I who are under her would implode and fall apart without her because she treats us like we’re incompetent and seems to have the rest of the team believing we are as well.

While she was gone we were technically under the supervision of her boss, who is much more hands off (aka not a micromanaging hawk) and allowed us to work on our shit in peace. We were to handle all of the stuff our boss normally does plus whatever we usually do. And lo and behold…it was fine. Everything got done. No issues. No mistakes. No delays. It was fine.

And on top of that, I had my first month EVER at this job without being constantly stressed out and pissed off and annoyed. All my shit and projects got done and I didn’t have to answer Slack messages and questions all day or after hours, I stopped working at 5 or hell even 4 every day, I wasn’t terrified to speak in meetings because I didn’t have to anticipate my boss interrupting me and making me look like a dumbass because she doesn’t trust me to talk ever. It was so nice.

My boss has been back literally 2 days and all the stress is back. Immediately. I’m right back to answering unnecessary questions and comments all day, being rushed to do things and asked if I’m going to do things I already know and was planning to do. I’m back to being harassed any time I go offline/away for more than 3 minutes. I’m back to not being able to take a lunch break without being called for stupid shit that could’ve waited til after. I’m back to being messaged at 7 and 8pm with shit that could wait til the next day and then being roasted in the morning when I inevitably don’t answer. I’m back to being interrupted and cut off and “corrected” in meetings.

My boss’s sole purpose is to add stress to a job that I could do perfectly fine without her. And now I’ve learned I can indeed do my job AND her job without her. And I hate her more than ever. That is all.

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