
It’s not that I don’t want to work, but that tax accountants are often abused

I'm a tax professional and our industry is horrible. We are often left working 50 hour weeks during the tax and extension deadline without any support. I left a company that paid salary while I worked over 45 hours a week from January until May with no reflection of this in my paycheck. I left that company just in time for the extension deadline season and was wooed by a small CPA office where I was told I would be a tax manager, working hourly and was thrilled. I turned down a better paying position with the promise of more tax planning and less compliance, only to find this not to be true. They mailed my laptop to the wrong address, which was on me to fix, although i provided them with my correct address more than once. There was zero training on their policies or their software there was…

I'm a tax professional and our industry is horrible. We are often left working 50 hour weeks during the tax and extension deadline without any support. I left a company that paid salary while I worked over 45 hours a week from January until May with no reflection of this in my paycheck.

I left that company just in time for the extension deadline season and was wooed by a small CPA office where I was told I would be a tax manager, working hourly and was thrilled. I turned down a better paying position with the promise of more tax planning and less compliance, only to find this not to be true. They mailed my laptop to the wrong address, which was on me to fix, although i provided them with my correct address more than once. There was zero training on their policies or their software there was no tax planning but lots of compliance, and I was hassled for every hour I logged on my timesheet. My first paycheck was through Zelle because they forgot to include my hours when it was sent to ADP or so I was told. Once the end of October came around I was sent a message from their HR person saying I was being fired for incompetence and that I wouldn't be paid unless I next-day aired their company provided laptop back to them.

Thank the old gods I found something way better and will be starting next week.

Thanks for listening to my rant.

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