
It’s REAL, I finally had it happen to me. On my 1 year anniversary with the company last Friday, the CEO and the new Director of Ops said to my face, “we want SLAVES.”

I had a meeting with the CEO and 2 month old Director of Operations on Friday. Fiscal year budget meeting is this month and I had to give them all my proposals to them, for the Board meeting this week. I'll skip that part, the takeaway is that 8 months of my life they just wasted, they vetoed ALL my proposals including the one they demanded I build from the ground up, to expand the company. We'll say the meeting was at 10am and it was done at 10:40. I then had to sit there for FORTY MINUTES listening to them feed off each other. You know those times where you're like, “man… I wish I could be a fly on the wall in that room for that meeting.” I was that fly. They completely forgot I was there and they spun down that rabbit hole you see and hear…

I had a meeting with the CEO and 2 month old Director of Operations on Friday. Fiscal year budget meeting is this month and I had to give them all my proposals to them, for the Board meeting this week. I'll skip that part, the takeaway is that 8 months of my life they just wasted, they vetoed ALL my proposals including the one they demanded I build from the ground up, to expand the company.

We'll say the meeting was at 10am and it was done at 10:40. I then had to sit there for FORTY MINUTES listening to them feed off each other. You know those times where you're like, “man… I wish I could be a fly on the wall in that room for that meeting.” I was that fly. They completely forgot I was there and they spun down that rabbit hole you see and hear not only here but everywhere. I'm talking ALL the stereotypes:

“Nobody wants to work anymore, for every 100 jobs only 25 people can fill them. We pay workers too much money here. Workers should just show up and work. That's what we pay them for. The workers here have too many rights, too many privileges. We cater to them too much, they're spoiled. They complain about everything. They should just show up, shut up and do their job. Who needs privacy? Who needs individuality? They're just going to have to deal with how we want to run this place.”

They were taking turns IN FRONT OF ME, feeding off each other. I left, flabbergasted and set my things down in my office, went and found my boss and he wished me a happy 1 year anniversary and I had to tell him everything that just happened. It was the first time I heard this very religious man say FUCK. Well actually… he said, “those fucking fucks have no idea what the hell they're doing in this place.” He's been here 30 years and has been contemplating retirement as it is. He put in for a week's long vacation next week, his reason being “for reflection.”

For reference, this is a NON UNION MOM AND POP SHOP and the owner has stated that if he ever hears the whisper of a union, he will shut the place down immediately and sell everything. So can't really go that route. I HAVE started telling key individuals what happened and so far, I'm hearing it's rumblings going around. I guess time will tell what happens but I honestly don't see any positives in any scenario I can think of.

I'm at a loss as to what to do next honestly. I've started looking for other jobs, which sucks because I love my job and my coworkers very much; especially my boss. How is it that the worst people in the world are the ones in charge of things?

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