
It’s the fact that my job decides to cut my coworkers hours by a lot after putting his two weeks in.

Makes me want to quit without notice since they cut hours without notice either. “Hey boss, yeah sorry i’m quitting today found a new job. No i’m not giving you a notice because the last guy that did you cut his hours to only working two days. What’s that? It’s unfair? Well it’s not fair that you’re cutting pay that people live off of and you get to keep your salary, I start tomorrow and don’t worry about where i’m working at. Good Riddance and Good Bye”

Makes me want to quit without notice since they cut hours without notice either. “Hey boss, yeah sorry i’m quitting today found a new job. No i’m not giving you a notice because the last guy that did you cut his hours to only working two days. What’s that? It’s unfair? Well it’s not fair that you’re cutting pay that people live off of and you get to keep your salary, I start tomorrow and don’t worry about where i’m working at. Good Riddance and Good Bye”

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