
It’s time to voice our displeasure with the President’s anti-union stance in a way that might actually be seen.

Let's be real, the leadership of this country is not monitoring Reddit to see how people feel about the decisions they're making. We can bitch and moan 24/7 amongst ourselves here and literally no one in government will have even a hint of awareness about it. Instead of writing your magnum opus about how shit Biden is being to the rail workers and how furious you would be at your representatives for supporting him into a reddit comment, write it to the White House and to your representatives. Feel free to copy and paste it into this thread after so that we can see what we are all sending and so you can karma farm. ^ This is the form for sending a message to the President. You could also contact the Vice President and pressure her through the same form. Make sure that your message contains keywords and…

Let's be real, the leadership of this country is not monitoring Reddit to see how people feel about the decisions they're making. We can bitch and moan 24/7 amongst ourselves here and literally no one in government will have even a hint of awareness about it.

Instead of writing your magnum opus about how shit Biden is being to the rail workers and how furious you would be at your representatives for supporting him into a reddit comment, write it to the White House and to your representatives. Feel free to copy and paste it into this thread after so that we can see what we are all sending and so you can karma farm.

^ This is the form for sending a message to the President. You could also contact the Vice President and pressure her through the same form. Make sure that your message contains keywords and that your tone is clear so that whatever automated system or intern that skims it can at least categorize that you're angry and that it's specifically about the response to the rail workers' strike.

Figuring out who your representatives are and how to contact them individually can be tough. I use Resistbot to do this, as it can figure out who my reps are from my address and lets me email or call them directly without having to track down their offices or contact information.

Again, it is important to be clear in tone and purpose when doing this. You don't know if a person or an algorithm is going to skim through your message, and you want to make sure whatever dataset your sentiment ends up in reflects it accurately. Even if our messages are thrown directly into the trash, at least they will have data that they had an uptick in messages around the time that this came out.

This is the bare minimum of engagement someone can have over just voting every 4 years. Please take the time you would've taken to write out an angry Reddit comment and write it directly to the people you are angry at instead.

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