
It’s time we make a change!!

Ok reddit antiworkers I don’t know about you but I am sickened at what is happening in the USA. The workers started standing up for themselves during covid and making changes in the work force. We had pay increasing. Better work life balance. Improving benefits and time off. Then it seems like as a collective we stopped and all of that is going away. We need one concerted effort to demand change. We need to hurt their wallets. As a consumer we have the power but not the will. As a worker we have the will but not the power. It’s time to prove we are in fact both and we have the will and the power to force a change. I am calling for all employees to call into work from 11/23 til 11/27. If we shut down Black Friday weekend we take millions from the 1% while enjoying…

Ok reddit antiworkers I don’t know about you but I am sickened at what is happening in the USA. The workers started standing up for themselves during covid and making changes in the work force. We had pay increasing. Better work life balance. Improving benefits and time off. Then it seems like as a collective we stopped and all of that is going away.

We need one concerted effort to demand change. We need to hurt their wallets. As a consumer we have the power but not the will. As a worker we have the will but not the power. It’s time to prove we are in fact both and we have the will and the power to force a change.

I am calling for all employees to call into work from 11/23 til 11/27. If we shut down Black Friday weekend we take millions from the 1% while enjoying time with our loved ones.

I know we will lose hours and holiday pay. I know we will have to plan and save for it as a group. There will be threats, pleas, offers of bonuses, ect. But we must stand strong. Only if we as a group of collective workers shut down the entire country will they listen. They think they control us but they are nothing without us.

We are not asking for much. We just want to survive. We don’t want the CEO making 400 time more then the average employee. We want affordable healthcare and student loan forgiveness. We want the student loan structure reworked so it’s not predatory and actually possible to pay off. We want a work life balance.

Make the change. Shut down Black Friday!

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