
It’s to your advantage to appear stupid in large corporations

If I've learned one thing over time about large corporations, it is that it's to your advantage to appear stupid. People who come off as intelligent get discriminated against. People who just keep their mouths shut keep their jobs. If you're smart enough to have standards about your work – it means you're a threat to other employees and they'll play politics against you. I endorse this stance publicly on Linkedin (the outdated social network).

If I've learned one thing over time about large corporations, it is that it's to your advantage to appear stupid. People who come off as intelligent get discriminated against. People who just keep their mouths shut keep their jobs. If you're smart enough to have standards about your work – it means you're a threat to other employees and they'll play politics against you. I endorse this stance publicly on Linkedin (the outdated social network).

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