
It’s wild (and scary) how quickly things can change in the workplace

I've been around the block a few times. I know HR isn't our friend, I hate toxic workplace culture, most jobs are obsolete. All that being said, when I started my job in 2022 I really enjoyed it – and not just in a simp-y way. For me, my gauge for a job is asking myself, “how do I feel on my way to work?” – In other jobs I would get physically sick the closer I got to the office because I hated it so much. In my current role, I enjoyed it – I actually had a good boss, good team, etc. Until the department head retired, and my boss left. Now the person who replaced them is absolutely terrible. And I'm realizing now just how much my boss and dept. head shielded me from company bullshit. My new boss is exactly what the senior staff/board wants. A…

I've been around the block a few times. I know HR isn't our friend, I hate toxic workplace culture, most jobs are obsolete.

All that being said, when I started my job in 2022 I really enjoyed it – and not just in a simp-y way. For me, my gauge for a job is asking myself, “how do I feel on my way to work?” – In other jobs I would get physically sick the closer I got to the office because I hated it so much.

In my current role, I enjoyed it – I actually had a good boss, good team, etc. Until the department head retired, and my boss left. Now the person who replaced them is absolutely terrible. And I'm realizing now just how much my boss and dept. head shielded me from company bullshit.

My new boss is exactly what the senior staff/board wants. A yes-man (well, woman) but she is so bad at her job, shows no leadership, has no vision, and doesn't understand the work – yet is so confident.

Now I feel so much weaker (like I'm always on the edge of a cold), I crave junk food (I used to be a really bad binge eater – my peak weight was nearly (maybe surpassing) 180 pounds – I'm female, 5'1.

I've lost 36 pounds since starting my job but now all I want is food.

I'm adjusting some of my depression meds – the ironic part is not having the motivation to go pick up the higher dose. I've had terrible jobs, but there's something particularly demoralizing about going from something that was healthy to something that's a disorganized shithole.

I had an interview for a job but I haven't heard back (followed up today after sending a thank you note a few weeks ago & haven't heard back). I haven't found anything I want to apply for and I don't want to take a pay cut.

I know we're more than our jobs, and I have hobbies outside of work, I was probably the most emotionally-healthy in years. It just fucking sucks how fast it can all fall apart.

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